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How do I view hidden files and folders on my Mac?

In Mac OS, certain files and directories are not visible, or you can say that there are good reasons to hide. This usually means you don't have to worry about these hidden files and folders at all.  

However, if you find that you need these hidden files, folders, and want to make them visible, instead of the action you are about to perform. If you don't know, then read the information below.
To view hidden files and folders on Mac OS X, you need to do something in the terminal commands. Please carefully remove all files and folders on Mac OS X by following the steps mentioned below.

  • Go to the Applications/Utilities directory, find the Terminal application, then double-click it to launch
  • Type the following command –> default write com.apple.finderAppleShowAllFiles TRUE
  • Next close the Finder and close the Mac OS X session, then restart the system to see the results.
  • Now you can easily view all hidden files and folders in the Mac Finder
  • To undo this, type defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE in the terminal command
By following the instructions above, you can easily view all hidden files and folders in Mac OS. If for any reason you are unable to perform this procedure or enter an incorrect command incorrectly, you may lose data.  

However, you don't have to worry at all, because even in these situations you can easily  get back lost data on the Mac  by using the Remo Recover Mac utility. This user-friendly data recovery utility will help you recover deleted files, folders, and even recover data after formatting your Mac volume.

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