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iOS 13 on the agenda with battery problem

Apple recently released the iOS 13 update . The iOS 13, which brought many innovations, especially the dark mode, came up with a battery problem.

How serious is the iOS 13 battery problem?

The majority of users who have installed iOS 13 on social media said that after the update, their devices' usage time was noticeably reduced.

Most of the affected iPhones are iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus.
Rumors have arisen that Apple may have entered a new device obsolescence policy, as predominantly older generation devices are affected.

But according to the synthetic tests, there is no significant difference in lifetime between iOS 12.4.1 and iOS 13 .
Therefore, the rumors that Apple's device obsolescence policy is not very likely.

 This problem, which is also subject to users' complaints, has not been confirmed by Apple . Apple, users who have this problem recommended to clean installation.

Apple, iOS 13 will be released with the new version of the interim updates, battery performance is also expected to improve.

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