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How can I increase my cell phone battery life?

The debate about how to properly charge smartphones and mobile phones is no less than the age of mobile device technology itself. 

In recent years, most smartphones have lithium-ion batteries that need to be used in a very specific way to avoid premature loss of capacity.

Dominic Schulte told Business Insider how to charge a smartphone so as not to spoil the battery ahead of time. He is Managing Director at BatterieIngenieure, a German battery research and production company.

When asked when to charge the smartphone, Schulte answered: you can do this at any time. There is one main principle in how to handle the battery of an iPhone, Samsung Galaxy phone or any other modern mobile device correctly: you should avoid a situation where the battery lasts 100% charge for a long time and continues to recharge - for example, at night.
Smartphone manufacturers are not too worried that most users charge their devices this way - all night long, that is, they charge incorrectly. Perhaps because the impact of this approach does not appear immediately, but maybe simply because releasing too long-lasting smartphones is unprofitable. 

At a request from Business Insider, Google noted that modern smartphones have a power controller that pauses charging every time the battery is full. It resumes the process only after the device is at least slightly discharged.

At the same time, both Schulte from BatterieIngenieure, and the manufacturers agree on one thing: keeping the smartphone fully charged harms the battery. 

If you are going to not use the device for some time, it is better to turn it off after waiting for the battery level to drop to about 50%. The German expert believes that the batteries “age” the most slowly during storage if they are 30-50% charged.

That is, even if you really like to see such a soothing inscription “100%” on the smartphone’s screen or a green indicator flooded to the eyeballs, you should not strive for a full charge at all costs - the battery does not like to be in this state for a long time. 

It is optimal to charge the battery as necessary during the day: up to 50, 70 or 80 percent - as it turns out. But if he managed to charge up to 100% - it is better to extend the battery life of the smartphone, disconnect it from the charger at that moment.

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